ABOUT "Hawk Valley Garden Pumpkin and Produce Stand's Fall Festival"
You won't find a better family Halloween experience than the one you will find at Hawk Valley Garden! We pride ourselves on our ability to make Halloween fun for everyone in the family - from young to old! Hawk Valley Garden is family owned and operated roadside pumpkin stand that opens first week of September.....just in time for the annual Clay County Fair. We are open all week for the Clay County Fair and our hours will be 8:00 am to 8:00 pm for all you fair goers.Stop by and see all our great pumpkins. We also carry over 35 kinds of winter and summer squash for all your baking needs. Other items include indian corn, broom corn, bales of straw, colorful mums, and thousands of smaller gourds and mini pumpkins.
2670 Highway 18, Spencer, Iowa, 51301

Pumpkin Patch

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Hawk Valley Garden Pumpkin Stand will celebrate our 11th year in 2014 Opening date for pumpkin stand will be Sept 6 thru October 31 Clay County Fair hours are 8 am to 8 pm and last from Sept 6 to Sept 14. If visiting the fair stop on by for our huge selection of pumpkins and squash. We are a family owned and operated roadside operation that has more than 150 varieties of pumpkins, squash and gourds. Hawk Valley Garden specializes in heirloom pumpkins and squash like bright red Cinderellas, white Cotton Candy, blue Jarradale, striped One-Too-Many, warted Knucklehead and many more.

Hawk Valley Garden is family owned and operated roadside pumpkin stand that opens first week of September.....just in time for the annual Clay County Fair. We are open all week for the Clay County Fair and our hours will be 8:00 am to 8:00 pm for all you fair goers.Stop by and see all our great pumpkins. We grow and sell over 150 varieties of specialty and heirloom pumpkins, squash and gourds. Also carry everything for all your fall decorating needs including indian corn, hay bales,corn schucks,broom corn, bittersweet, grapevine wreaths and MUCH MORE!! Come early in season for best selection of pumpkins including Cinderella, Fairytale, Blue Jarrahdale, Marina Di Chioggia, Cheese, Triamble, One Too Many, Silver Moon, Cotton Candy, NEW Knucklehead SuperFreaks and many others. Also we have large supply of jack o lantern pumpkins for carving, mini ornamental pumpkins and small pie pumpkins for decorating or baking. Hawk Valley Garden carries over 35 varieties of winter squash for all you squash lovers including acorn, butternut, spaghetti, buttercup, lakota, sunshine, speckled pup, banana, delicata and more. Bring your family for a fun fall day at Hawk Valley Garden and don't forget your camera. If are looking for specialty items for your fall event or wedding please call early or stop and visit with us. Bring your cameras but NO PETS ALLOWED. Thanks - Open Sept 6 to Halloween

Saturdays=8 am - 6 pm. Sundays=10 am-6 pm.Weeknites 4 pm-7 pm.Closed Mondays

Free Admittance

All Ages

Hawk Valley Garden is located 4 miles East of Spencer, Iowa on Highway 18 or 15 miles West of Emmetburg Iowa.


Hawk Valley Garden Pumpkin and Produce Stand's Fall Festival PHOTOS

2670 Highway 18, Spencer, Iowa, 51301
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