Halloween Attractions - Trick or Treating Safety Guide - Find Spooky Fun For Kids - www.Hauntworld.com
Halloween Attraction industry is bigger now than most people think, Hauntword.com pegs the Halloween Attraction industry at ONE BILLION annually or more in revenue. American's are spending yes over ONE BILLION dollars on Halloween Attractions nationwide. What is a Halloween Attraction what makes up this industry? Halloween Attractions are ANY TYPE of attraction that is open during the Halloween season (September and October) that charges addmission to enter the event. So what types of attractions are Halloween attractions? Halloween Attractions are but not limited to haunted houses, haunted hayrides, corn mazes, pumpkin patches, ghost tours, real haunted attractions, and many more. This page will help parents find Halloween Attractions for kids including zip lines, pumpkin patches, free pumpkin carving patterns, trick or treat safety tips and much more. Are you looking for something spooky for your kids to do this Halloween this page will help you find everything you are looking for this Halloween.
Pumpkin patches are now Halloween attractions because they now offer all sorts of attractions in additiion to simply picking a pumpkin such as pony rides, inflatable haunted houses, corn mazes, hayrides, and many more. Do you want to attend a Halloween Attraction this October? Listed below find a list of links to help you find what you are looking for and find articles about the Haunted Attraction industry.
Find Haunted Houses, Haunted Hayrides, and Halloween Attractions www.Hauntworld.com
Find Corn Mazes and Pumpkin Patches www.HalloweenAttractions.com
Find Hayrides, Screamparks and Halloween Attractions at www.HauntedHayrides.com
Association for the Halloween Attraction Industry www.hauntedhouseassociation.org
Magazine for the Halloween Attraction Industry www.HauntedHouseMagazine.com
Find Haunted Houses www.HauntedHouseOnline.com
Find Pumpkin Patches www.PumpkinPatchesandmore.org
Find Corn Mazes http://www.cornmazesamerica.com/
Find Some of America's Best Haunted Houses www.AmericaHaunts.com
Find More Corn Mazes http://www.cornfieldmaze.com/
Listed below are some articles about running and operating a haunted or Halloween attraction from Hauntworld Magazine
One of our Halloween friends has visited the best Halloween attractions and events in America which include the best corn mazes, and the best pumpkin patch events. Pumpkin Patch events are no longer simply some field with pumpkins. Today pumpkin patches are mega Halloween events which may include an elaborate corn mazes, activities for children, pumpkin picking, face painting, hayrides, music, food and more. We are listing the biggest and best pumpkin patch corn mazes in America 2011. Are you looking to get lost in the corn or looking for fun family friendly Halloween attractions? Here we provide you a list of the best corn mazes, hayrides, pumpkin patches and or better put Halloween Attractions in America 2011.
1- Valas Pumpkin Pumpkin Patch www.valaspumpkinpatch.com - Omaha, nebraska
2- Bishops Pumpkin Farm www.bishopspumpkinfarm.com in wheatland, Ca
3- Bengston's Pumpkin farm www.pumpkinfarm.com near chicago
4- Robas Family Farms www.robasfamilyfarms.com dalton. pa
5- Remlinger farms- www.remlingerfarms.com near Seattle, wa
6- Pumpkinfest at Shady Brook Farm www.shadybrookfarm.com/pumpkinfest Yardley, Pa
7- Eckerts Farms www.eckerts.com St. Louis area
8- Underwood Family Farms www.underwoodfamilyfarms.com Moorpark, Ca
9- Blake Farms www.blakefarms.com in michigan
10- The Rock Ranch www.therockranch.com near Atlanta
11- Swank Farms www.swankfarm.com hollister, ca
12- Schnepf Farms www.schnepffarms.com in arizona
13- Crumland farms www.crumlandfarm.com in Virginia
other must sees..........
Goeberts farm www.pumpkinfarms.com near Chicago
Cherry Crest Adventure Farm www.cherrycrestadventurefarm.com lancaster, pa
Siegels Cottonwood Farms- www.cottonwoodfarms.com near Chicago
Linvilla Orchard www.linvilla.com Media, Pa
Maize Adventure www.maizeadventure.com North Carolina
Hauntworld Provides Parents with Halloween Tips to make Trick or Treating safe and fun!
Trick or treating can and has been dangerous for some children if they do not take safety serious. We know trick or treating because hey our staff tricked and treated until we where 16 years old and now we take our kids. So make sure you take all of these tips serious and ensure your kids have a safe and very spooky Halloween. If you have tips you'd like to offer please let us know! Also do NOT forget to visit your local Halloween Attractions and Haunted Houses. Be sure to visit the front page of www.Hauntworld.com to find haunted houses by state, simply look for the front page map and find a haunt near you. To find pumpkin patche go to www.HalloweenAttractions.com.
1) Do not have your kids wear a costume that drags on the ground. Kids can trip on their own costumes.
2) Have kids wear a glow necklace or bracelet while they trick or treat. Have each of your kids wear a different color glow necklace so you know which one is which and who you might be missing.
3) Parents bring a flash light.
4) Do not walk in the street stay on sidewalks.
6) Make sure any masks have clear eye holes and have clear breathing holes. Have the kids double check that they can see and breathe before using at night.
7) Walk do not RUN! You'll get there you have all night!
8) If your kids bring props such as a knife or sword make sure they are flexible not hard or sharp.
9) Bring water or gatoraid in case the kids get thirsty.
10) If you plan to trick or treat far from your home make sure you park the car somewhere you can remember. Sometimes you can trick or treat for hours in a strange subdivision and bam you have no clue where you are and the kids are tired. Here is a tip... trick or treat up and down a street then jump in the car and drive over to the next set of streets. Keep the car close to where you trick or treat.
11) Do not walk up to houses that do not have lights on.
12) For the greedy kids, if you are one of the last ones out the houses will give you more candy to get rid of it!!! True! I know I've done it! It works! But make sure you don't trick or treat much past 9:30pm to 9:45pm.
13) Eat before you go out to trick or treat also make sure everyone goes to the bathroom. Demand they do the bathroom thing before you move!
14) Make sure Adults accompany the kids and again bring a flashlight.
15) Make sure any costume you buy is flame retardant. Remember those pumpkins out there with candle fire! Some costumes go up in smoke in seconds! Make sure your childs isn't one of them!
16) Stay away from homes with barking animals.
17) Bring home the haul and eat every bite after its been inspected by a parent!
Hauntworld.com is your home for everything Halloween and Haunted Houses. Have a safe and Happy Halloween!
Here are some really fun places on the web to find Halloween party ideas, Halloween clip art, Halloween screensavers, Halloween decorations ideas and much more. Please do not hesitiate to suggest a link to us or provide us a fun Halloween article! All of the Halloween links below have been reviewed by our staff. If you experience any problems please inform us. Happy Halloween.
Halloween Clip Art
Halloween would be no fun if there wasn't lots of fun activites for the kids to do. Clip art is a fun and entertaining activity that will keep the kids ivolved for hours, and will help make your refriderator or office at work look festive for the season. We have looked into thousands of website to find the best clip art sites to help your children get into the Halloween spirit. Check out some of our favorites below.
http://www.thekidzpage.com/freekidsclipart/holidays/halloween/p0007.html find thousands of art ideas at this site plus the ones listed below to entertain your children. Or have a Haloween party and and an arts and crafts table where kids can color or make fun pictures to take home.
Find all sorts of fun and festive Halloween and Fall seasonal clip art at http://www.kidsturncentral.com/holidays/hclipart.htm
A great place for educators or room moms to find fun festive clip art for your students is, http://www.awesomeclipartforeducators.com/cat.cfm?cat=Halloween&sec=Holidays. All the kids in your class will have fun at the Halloween party with these fun clip arts.
Halloween Recipes
Are you having a Halloween party with lots of ghosts, ghouls and gobblins attending? Well if you are you need to make sure that you have a scary array of treats planned for them to make sure it is an all encompassing experience for everyone. There are a lot of YUCKY recipes out there that the little ones (and big ones too) will enjoy.
A great place to start is here, http://parentingteens.about.com/od/halloweenfun/a/halloweenrecipe.htm you can find recipes from "Slime Juice" to "Maggot Stew" that the whole family will be creeped out by. Check it out.
Amazing Moms make AMAZING Halloween treats. On this website you can find lots of treat that are quick and easy. Check out there website here: http://www.amazingmoms.com/htm/Halloween_recipes.htm
Search THREE pages of Halloween Recipes and Baking ideas on this website, http://www.cookingcache.com/cat/halloween_recipes/default.aspx you will fnd somethign the whole family will love....and be CREEPED out by when it is served. They might yell, "EWWWW" but it will be in a good way, not like the time when you asked them to eat brussell spouts.
Are you looking for fun and easy recipes for you and your kids? Check out this website, http://www.easy-kids-recipes.com/halloween-recipes.html. You will be able to get the kids involved in make ghoulish treats that the whole family will enjoy.
This website has fun and healthy Halloween recipes that you and your children can enjoy together. http://hubpages.com/hub/Healthy-Halloween-Recipes-for-Kids
Think your kids are hungry for a Zombie arm, or caving some toad punch? You can find these recipes and many others on this website. They are sure tp be a crowd pleaser for everyone. http://www.dltk-kids.com/recipesdb/viewcategory.asp?cid=25
Halloween Decorations
Make sure your house is ready for Halloween by involving everyone to decorate. There are a lot of ideas listed below that the whole family can participate in when decorating for Halloween. From Art and Craft ideas, to fun and creepy recipes for Halloween. A great site to find some ideas for Halloween Arts and Crafts is right here http://familyfun.go.com/arts-and-crafts/season/specialfeature/halloween_ms_crafts/ check it out and see what you and your kids can do this Halloween.
EnchantLearning is another great site that has lots of Halloween Arts and Craft decorating ideas that you can use and the GREAT thing about it is, you probably have most of the necessary items to build these decorations just laying around the house. Check out their Halloween page here, http://www.enchantedlearning.com/crafts/halloween/
Another GREAT site to get some cool costume and decorating idea from is, http://www.kinderart.com/seasons/halloween.shtml. This site has ideas for making everything from lolli pop ghosts to tasty and ghoulish Halloween cakes. The ideas on this site will keep the kids busy and excited about more than just Trick-or-Treating. Check them out.
Halloween Crafts.
Scary Portraits
Haunt Guide (Build your own spooky scenes)
Halloween Screen Savers/Fonts/Greeting Cards
Get into the Halloween spirit by changing your computers screem saver to something fun and creepy for the Halloween season. Or send your friends and family fun, creepy Halloween e-cards. Below are some of the best websites there are for these things. Check them out and find the perfect on for you.
Looking for fun and FREE screen savers? This website is full of Hallowen themed screen savers that will be a pleasure to look at not just for you, but for your kids too. Check out their website here, http://www.freehalloweenscreensavers.com/
Look for scary cats, the grim reaper, or pumpkins to light up your computer sceen? We have found the perfect screen saver site for you then. Check out the Halloween screen savers they have and find the perfect one for you. http://www.holiday-screensavers.com/halloween.htm
http://www.appleblossomart.com/halloscreens.htm has more than 300 Halloween themed saves for your to choose from. Fun costumed critters, fairy tale pumpkins, creepy graveyard scenes, and even fall festive screen savers. Everyone will be able to find a fun decortive screen saver here.
Hauntworld.com Haunted Screensavers and Active Desktops
Halloween screen savers and more.
Halloween Fonts
Halloween Screen Savers
Halloween Screensavers for Kids
Halloween Screenavers
Halloween Fun/Games/Photos
Looking to get those kids moving and having fun at your Halloween Party? Or just want to entertain your child and get them excited about Halloween below is a list of some cool sites we have found that have Halloween themed games, online games and much more entertainment ideas that you could use at this years Halloween Party. Check them out.
http://familyfitness.about.com/od/seasonalsportsandfun/tp/halloween_games.htm has a lot of great game ideas to help your little Halloween Goblins burn off some of the calories they intake from eating all the yummy recipes from above. Check out the variety of game ideas that they have on their website.
Hosting a Halloween Party? You have to check out the fun and cool game ideas that http://familycrafts.about.com/cs/halloweengames/a/halloweengames.htm has. These are great ideas for school parties or even parties that you host at home with all the little zombies and ghosts.
http://holidays.kaboose.com/halloween/halloween-games.html has lots of online games that you little monsters can play while you set things up for your halloween party. Check out their website to see more information and get your kids playing.
Halloween Idea’s
Carve your own pumpkin on line.
Halloween online games.
Fun Halloween Stuff
Really Cool Halloween Games On Line
Yard Haunting
Halloween Photography
Halloween Party Planning
Carve a Pumpkin (Really Cool)
Tons of Idea’s for Halloween Kids Stuff
More Halloween Games
Halloween 4 Kids
Halloween online coloring books.
Halloween Safety Information
Halloween Greeting Cards
Halloween 4 Kids
Scaring up Daytime Business: How to make money with your haunt during the daytime?
Since 1985 at the age of 15 when I started our haunted attraction I have been looking for ways to improve our event. At that time our haunt had a staff of ten people with a low budget; we could get away with building a haunt in September with a quick month of work. Fast forward 22 years and the world is a different place and tickets to Spookywoods are now $25.00. We have a staff of over 130 with ten staff members that work year round with a yearly budget well over a $150,000. As our haunted attraction ticket price increased over the years, it was no longer wise to cross promote with other attractions to gain customers. I have found the expendable income limits of most patrons to choose one good haunt per season to attend rather than several. With the average price of gas being $3.00 per gallon that doesn’t help the situation. So what is a haunted attraction owner to do to compete for the entertainment dollars of our target market? My theory has been to create a destination for fall entertainment for all ages, to be on the top of the list of things to do as Halloween approaches. I no longer agree with the concept that we should share a customer with competing venues, but rather make us the only venue to attend. After all if we don’t make a profit we don’t get to continue our love of this business. Based on this idea I have seen more organizing of haunted attractions owners coming together outside ones market to share ideas and sponsorships.
In 2000 we started a business plan to build a family entertainment center in stages to cross promote our haunted attraction. Our location is very well known and ¼ mile just off I-85 making it easy to find so we had a good location which is a great advantage from the start. We started phase one by creating a 12 acre corn maze on our farm, the initial thinking was how are we going to market it to our existing haunted house patrons? What we discovered rather quickly, was that this group was looking for a scare also. At first we marketed combo tickets to both the non-haunted corn maze and to Spookywoods. We then found people were disappointed that there was no scare in the corn maze. However, what we did find was the corn field was an excellent place to scare people. We modified our plan and turned 2 acres of our corn field into a one way path lined in construction fence weaving corn throughout the netting and made it part of Spookywoods. We started to promote a new domain name, Maizeadventure.com as a way to separate our marketing from just a scary website. Our new website had to be family friendly and we decided to use logos in a map format on our front page of our website that includes a layout of our farm with a link to Spookywoods by clicking the Scarecrow. This supports the idea to market to the families with a family fun site, that cross promotes the haunt to the thousands of visitors looking for family fun.
In the following years we changed our focus from trying to get our haunted house patrons to buy the corn maze ticket and focused on who our customers really were. We found out that marketing to the family we could turn young adults and parents into new Spookywoods customers after being on our farm for the corn maze. Just like with the haunted attraction we had to come up with more to offer as our event grew. The corn maze is a great attraction that takes about 1 ½ to 2 hours to solve.
But once we focused on the family we found out that not all family members can handle a 2 hour walk in a corn field. So, we had to come up with other attractions that the younger kids and even the older adults could handle. We added a Gem Mining attraction and quickly found that now the grandparents could spend time with the grandchildren sifting through the water to find gems and fossils while the parents took on the challenge of the corn maze. In an instant we had something for the whole family and the word of mouth took off. Being a haunted attraction owner we know all about paying attention to detail. So you can bet when you come to our Gem Dig you get the whole package from blue grass music setting the tone to friendly, helpful staff in character playing the part of a miner that assist you with your bags or buckets of gem rough.
The Gem Dig success enabled us to invest in the renovation of an old tobacco barn turned into a Rock Shop to compliment the Gem Dig.
We also added a Dinosaur Discovery sand pit that is free of charge for the kids to uncover over 2,500 pounds of buried dinosaur bones. This is a great place for Mom and Dad to take photos and have a rest while they watch their kids playing in the sand.
We also remodeled a second tobacco barn and turned it into the Snack Shack where we sell Kettle Corn, Lemonade Maze Coolers, Carmel Apples and many other snacks. This year we remodeled a third tobacco barn and it has become our Monster Shop where we make silicone and latex masks for Spookywoods. By having this shop open during the day it offers us a great way to promote our haunt.
Now that we had thousands of families coming to our farm we added a pumpkin patch with another place for the family to relax and take photos of the kids and pick a pumpkin for the front porch, table or yard. We do not grow our pumpkins but purchase them wholesale and display them in our pumpkin house that makes for a great photo opportunity.
We now have created a Halloween Destination for the whole family that naturally cross promotes our haunted attraction, since you see our Haunted House and
Tony Wohlgemuth, Owner
Kersey Valley, Inc.