ABOUT "Hogansville House of Horrors"
Held in the bowels of an old, shuttered art deco theater from the early 20th century. This is a "full length" haunted house - you will feel relieved when you get to the end! Parents under 6 yrs. strongly cautioned - This is scary! This tour through the bowels of a HAUNTED THEATER is not for the faint of heart! It’s creepy—it’s old—it’s HAUNTED! The Old Royal Theater of Hogansville is stirring in its mouldering grave. Entities are rising from the dust and debris of the decades—and you may have to meet them FACE TO FACE!! You can explore these haunted tunnels yourself, for 4 terror-filled nights in October, if you are brave enough—or foolish enough. This is no place for the faint of heart!
400 East Main St, Hogansville, Georgia, 30230
(706) 616-37

Haunted Houses

Suitable for all guests and families (HALLOWEEN FUN)
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Ticket And Price Information
Opening Night The 5th Annual Hogansville Haunted Theater opens Saturday, October 19 (Saturday night of the Hummingbird Festival) Continuing Schedule Through Halloween Additional Hauntings October 25-26 (Fri-Sat) Halloween Night, October 31 (a Thursday this year). Hours of Operation Haunted house hours are 7:00 p.m. to 9:00pm Bringing a large group? Driving a long distance? Feel free to call ahead: (706) 616-3772.
400 East Main St, Hogansville, Georgia, 30230
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