ABOUT "Poughkeepsie Haunted Church"
HISTORY OF MANIFESTATIONS: People who die unexpectedly, in the middle of something meaningful to them, sometimes aren't ready to move on just yet, or like to visit and try to finish, or enjoy what they missed. ( The Capitol Building * Washington Opera House * Pittsburgh Theatre * Collingwood Art Center * East Stadium - Kansas State University ) Around 1910, an elderly woman died in the middle of a church service. Perhaps the living missed a grave when they moved the buried remains from the former English Burial Grounds to another cemetery. When the living build structures or roads on top of someone's grave, or move the remains themselves, this can cause spirits to be restless and move into the building or structures that are close by. ( El Campo Santo Cemetery * Grant Humphreys Mansion * Cincinnati Music Hall * Belcourt Castle * Knight Hall * Benton High School ) Perhaps someone's remains are still buried underneath the church itself. It would be easy to miss graves in a burial ground that dated back to the settling of Poughkeepsie. Not much respect were given these graves by the 19th century city fathers, perhaps because English citizens were buried here. Despite being the resting place of early citizens of Poughkeepsie, the grounds were not kept up, disrespected and considered an eye-sore. Sometimes people who dedicate their lives in service to others, wish to continue to do so, even in their spirit form, without a body. ( Presidio Chapel & Rectory * Saint Louis Cathedral * Father Costello - Harper's Ferry * Collingwood Art Center * Saint Mary Louise Arts Center ) Rev. Alexander Cummings faithfully served Christ Episcopal Church as Rector, from 1900 through 1948; for 48 years! In some of the stories found on HauntedHouses.com, entities have become active when changes are made to or in their favorite building in this world that they don't like, or approve of. ( Admiral Hawley's House * Bullock Hotel * The Hermitage * Monmouth Plantation * Kelton House Museum ) Rev. Alexander Cummings became active again during the 1990s, when the Rector's Office (his old office) was moved to another part of the church. HISTORY OF MANIFESTATIONS: People who die unexpectedly, in the middle of something meaningful to them, sometimes aren't ready to move on just yet, or like to visit and try to finish, or enjoy what they missed. ( The Capitol Building * Washington Opera House * Pittsburgh Theatre * Collingwood Art Center * East Stadium - Kansas State University ) Around 1910, an elderly woman died in the middle of a church service. Perhaps the living missed a grave when they moved the buried remains from the former English Burial Grounds to another cemetery. When the living build structures or roads on top of someone's grave, or move the remains themselves, this can cause spirits to be restless and move into the building or structures that are close by. ( El Campo Santo Cemetery * Grant Humphreys Mansion * Cincinnati Music Hall * Belcourt Castle * Knight Hall * Benton High School ) Perhaps someone's remains are still buried underneath the church itself. It would be easy to miss graves in a burial ground that dated back to the settling of Poughkeepsie. Not much respect were given these graves by the 19th century city fathers, perhaps because English citizens were buried here. Despite being the resting place of early citizens of Poughkeepsie, the grounds were not kept up, disrespected and considered an eye-sore. Sometimes people who dedicate their lives in service to others, wish to continue to do so, even in their spirit form, without a body. ( Presidio Chapel & Rectory * Saint Louis Cathedral * Father Costello - Harper's Ferry * Collingwood Art Center * Saint Mary Louise Arts Center ) Rev. Alexander Cummings faithfully served Christ Episcopal Church as Rector, from 1900 through 1948; for 48 years! In some of the stories found on HauntedHouses.com, entities have become active when changes are made to or in their favorite building in this world that they don't like, or approve of. ( Admiral Hawley's House * Bullock Hotel * The Hermitage * Monmouth Plantation * Kelton House Museum ) Rev. Alexander Cummings became active again during the 1990s, when the Rector's Office (his old office) was moved to another part of the church. PARANORMAL FINDINGS: While people who have had interesting, personal experiences have shared what happened to them, some of the experiences listed above could be from natural causes. Large buildings often attract bats, but it seemed to be the same bat, that appeared and disappeared out of thin air. Seeing apparitions of spirits is something a person doesn't forget easily though, and these entities have made some personal appearances, over the years. There haven't been any paranormal investigations that have been made known to the public. STILL HAUNTED? Perhaps, but unknown at this time. Parishioners of Christ Episcopal Church prayerfully hope that these restless entities have found peace and have moved on to the other side permanently. The entity of the elderly, faithful member may still be visiting the sanctuary, and the entity of Rev. Cummings may be quietly watching the living run his church. The jolly, jovial spirit hasn't wakened any other people, and the crabby bat hasn't made an appearance lately. Hauck's book was published in 2002, and Smitten's book was released in 2004, and I haven't found any recent reports of paranormal activity caused from these three benign spirits, and one angry presence. Cheri Ravai states in her 2005 book that the entities have been quiet and non-active, with even the crabby bat being gone. No hard evidence that may have been collected by an outside investigation group has been shared on-line, if it was allowed at all. It is also very possible that the church building was blessed, and this may have given these restless spirits some peace.
20 Carroll Street, Poughkeepsie, New York, 12601
(845) 452-8220

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20 Carroll Street, Poughkeepsie, New York, 12601
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