GHOSTLY APPARITIONS THE LADY IN BLACK The Lady in Black glides up and down the stairs of the Sandford House and could be the apparition of Mrs. Margaret Halliday Sandford who lived in the house in 1832. Mrs. Sandford's apparition was reported for the first time soon after 1900 and has appeared as recently as 2004 to a Woman's Club trustee and possibly more recently to a club member in the su... [Read more]
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Blackbeard headquartered out of what was shown on ancient maps as the "white house" which was located on what is now Taylor's creek, overlooking the inlet to the Atlantic Ocean at Beaufort. After nearly 300 years, things have changed. Today the house is known as the Hammock House, and the the house is over 500 feet from water due to build up and filling in over the centuries. The Hammock House... [Read more]
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A family of three was driving along this bridge, when they crashed into the side, being ejected from the car and falling to the murky depths below. As a result of this tragic incident, the woman and child died, leaving only the father. It is said that if one parks his car on the bridge on Halloween, it car will shut off, and the woman will appear, searching for her lost child. Over the past de... [Read more]
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DESCRIPTION: This Colonial Mansion was built in the 1920s by tobacco tycoon, James Duke. It is a double-winged, two storied wood framed mansion, with an over-sized kitchen, designed with the finest materials, a grand house befitting the Tobacco King! Such things as hand-carved marble fireplaces, marble hearths, gold-leaf painted in the rooms, classic mantels and ceramic tiles around the many fi... [Read more]
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Grove Park Inn Resort was built by Edwin Wiley Grove and Fred Loring Seely, his son-in-law. Grove owned the Paris Medicine Company. When he got sick, his doctors sent him to Asheville, North Carolina to recuperate. They believed that the state’s climate would benefit him greatly. Grove acquired properties and construction of the hotel then began and was completed in just 11 month and 27 days. The ... [Read more]
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The Carolina Inn has been open since 1924 and it has served as a hospitable and cheerful hotel to travellers who are looking for pleasure or business. The hotel was built by a prominent alumnus of the University of Carolina, John Sprunt Hill. The hotel was designed by award winning architect, Arthur C. Nash. Hill donated the inn to the university in 1935 with the provision that the hotel’s profit... [Read more]
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