ABOUT "Kersey Valley Maize Adventure"
Take a break from the day to day and come join us at the Kersey Valley Maize Adventure! We capture the fun of Halloween in our masterfully constructed corn maze! Bring everyone you know! We have other special activities going on as well, so what are you waiting for? Maize Adventure is the perfect way for your family, school, home school or church group to experience a day of camaraderie and fun! We provide an entertaining yet educational atmosphere that celebrates fellowship while building traditional values.
1615 Kersey Valley Rd, High Point, North Carolina, 27263

Pumpkin Patch

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Giant Jumping Pillow, Dinosaur Discovery, Corn Pit, Pumpkin Patch, Rock Shop and Tram Ride! BEST VALUE COMBO $23 Includes: Corn Maze, Gem Dig, Jumping Pillow, Tram Train, Cow Train & Pumpkin GENERAL ADMISSION Includes: Corn Maze, Jumping Pillow, Tram Train $10 GROUPS OF 20+ $9 Children 4 & under (Corn Maze Only) FREE GEM DIG Jr. Gemologist $8 Family Bucket $20 FOSSIL DIG Jr. Paleontologist $8 Family Bucket $20 PUMPKIN PATCH All Sizes $2 & Up GIANT JUMPING PILLOW $3 COW TRAIN $3 Southern Gospel Singer Dalton Harmon will be here on Sunday October 4th from 1pm to 6pm. Come enjoy his amazing talent included with general admission.

Maize Adventure is the perfect way for your school, home school or church group to experience a day of camaraderie and fun! We provide an entertaining yet educational atmosphere that celebrates fellowship while building traditional values. From Scout Troops to Civic Groups to Family Groups, Maize Adventure challenges you to work independently yet work together so it helps build leadership skills while teaching team work, builds self-esteem while emphasizing sharing and interaction, teaches responsibility for self and others in a unique outdoor experience that is fun, fun, fun! Earn your Maize Adventure Scout Patch if you complete the maze! - Aug 30, 31 Sept - Oct Sat & Sun

1pm to 6pm

$10.00 Gen Addmission to $23.00 Combo

All Ages

From Greensboro, NC ( 10 Minute drive ) Take I-85 South to Archdale Hwy 62 Exit 113. Take a right heading West on your immediate right is Kersey Valley Road. Attraction is 1/4 mile down on your right.


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1615 Kersey Valley Rd, High Point, North Carolina, 27263
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