Haunted Houses
Recommended for Guests 12 and over (SCARY)

Can we be injured at your park? We've never had any serious injuries at any of our attractions. Running is the main cause of minor injuries. Make sure to follow the rules, specifically don’t run and you'll be fine. Follow all the rules and do not stray from the main paths. YOU MUST READ the WARNING page before you enter the attractions. The WARNING signs are also displayed at each attraction. DO NOT ATTEND if you have medical conditions that might cause you an injury... DO NOT enter our attractions if you are prone to seizers or if you have ANY kind of respiratory conditions, especially asthma, heart conditions. Do not enter if you have broken bones, casts or are pregnant. Again, you must read and understand our warning signs before considering entry into our events. Almost all injuries that do occur are a result from the customer running and they run into one of our actors, a wall, or run and fall down. DO NOT RUN! Also DO NOT TOUCH props this may also result in an injury. But above all do NOT attend our attractions if you suffer from various different pre-existing medical conditions. Enter at own risk. Not responsible for any injury.